My adventures in scrapping and in my daily life! Some mundane...some exciting! I guess you'll have to read and decide for youself! :)

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Well...I'm feeling a bit buzzed...LOL!! After only one Strongbow (cider) and being a little sleepy! Today was a good day! I scrapped an LO for a challenge at the Digi Chick/Father's Day! It was an emotional scrap and I'm sooo glad I did it cause it so came from the heart and should have been done a long long time ago.

This is my Step-Dad Mike. He married my Mom when I was six and accepted my brother and I as his own kids. And I have another brother too from their marriage! :) Mike and I always used to butt heads when I was younger, I was a self absorbed teen and he always liked things his way. After I moved out and went to school things started to change. For the better in some ways I think! Even after all these years, I don't know why, but I've never been able to call him Dad, I've just always called him Mike! He is my Dad for sure cause I've never really know my bio dad.

Anyway, sorry for rambling but the journaling on my layout says: "I know that in my younger years we didn't always get along, but things seem to have changed in the past few years. I am so happy that it has! And even though I still do not call you 'Dad', you are my Dad, and always will be! I love you!"

(Credit is due to all these fab. ladies: The kit I used is Lauren Grier's 'Intensity-B&W Add On'.The overlay is NRG's Freebie 'Inked Edges'The color pattern I used in the words Happy Father's Day is from Zazou's red page from her 'Avec Amour' kit. )

Thanks for looking and now tis time for bed!! See you tomorrow! :)


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