My adventures in scrapping and in my daily life! Some mundane...some exciting! I guess you'll have to read and decide for youself! :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

100 Things about Amy

I was tagged by Paula so here are my 100 facts! :)

1. I lived in Manitoba until I was 9.
2. I moved to Melvern Square, NS where I lived until the end of my Second Year of University.
3. I went to Saint Thomas University in Fredericton for my BA in Criminology and Psychology.
4. After my BA I took a year off and worked in a daycare to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
5. I had an interview to be a correctional officer in Saint John, but didn't get it. Thank goodness!
6. I can be SO lazy! Especially for cleaning up around the house. :o
7. I got my Education Degree at UNB Fredericton in Elementary Education.
8. My parents are teaching in Doha, Qatar this year and for the past 4 years they were teaching in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
9. I have two brothers, one 26 and the other19.
10. I would love to be bilingual (French and English)
11. I would really love to have a child now, but the time is just not right.
12. I love to shop for anything!
13. I’ve started many things that I’ve never finished.
14. My dream place to travel is Australia.
15. When I was in my first year of university I created my own dance that I performed only when drunk. :o
16. My middle name is Dawn.
17. I always wanted a sister.
18. I would like to have a boy and a girl and maybe more!
19. I would like to name my girl Eva after Chris’ grandmother.
20. I drove with friends to see the Dave Matthews Band in Montreal on their Everyday tour and got lost on the way home!
21. I can be ridiculously shy.
22. I would like to get my Masters of Education someday in Exceptional Learners.
23. Right now I’m stressing over getting my NS Teacher’s Certification, it’s taking too damn long!
24. My roommate in University, Heather, and I have been good friends ever since we first met! J
25. I wish I could have a cat.
26. My current favorite band is The Arcade Fire.
27. My current favorite French singer is Luc Tardif.
28. I have bought tons of books that I still have not read.
29. In high school I used to have sleepovers with my friends in my parents camping trailer.
30. I have an obsession for anything mango!
31. I crave Booster Juice smoothies all the time. My fave is Mango Hurricane.
32. My first job was cleaner at a cadet camp and my best friend’s mom was my boss!
33. The first time I worked I was 18.
34. I used to pick strawberries and it was hellish.
35. My favorite car is anything Volkswagen.
36. I loved to catch frogs and tadpoles when I was young.
37. I lived for a year in South Korea and loved it and hated it at the same time.
38. I ate at a hawker stall in Kuala Lumpur and it was yummy!
39. I climbed the great wall with my love.
40. I’ve been on a super high speed train that goes 300km/hr
41. My favorite shows are Lost and Grey’s Anatomy.
42. I have eczema and hate it!
43. I love taking pictures. I take entirely too many!
44. I have a passion for digital scrapping.
45. I traveled to Old Quebec city twice for interviews with a school board. It was amazing! We stayed in a hostel one night and the Universite de Laval another night.
46. The first and only time I’ve been to Charlottetown, PEI was for a Teacher Job Fair in the winter! :o
47. I don’t talk to one of my brothers.
48. I can be anal about where stuff should go, especially my things.
49. I’ve met Jack Layton.
50. I would love if Canada had an NDP Prime Minister.
51. I’m terrible for replying to emails.
52. From Kindergarten to the end of grade 3 I was in French Immersion.
53. I hated high school.
54. I was an over emotional teenager.
55. I wasn’t very nice to my parents as a teenager and I regret that.
56. I would like to teach French Immersion if I could.
57. My last name is Lithuanian, but it was shortened when family came to Canada.
58. My last name is my Step Father’s name.
59. I don’t talk to my biological father and have no interest in it.
60. My Mom and bio father divorced when I was 2.
61. My Step Dad Mike is my Dad.
62. I can’t seem to call Mike Dad though, it feels weird.
63. I’m older than my boyfriend by 3 years.
64. His sister is the same age as me!
65. I miss teaching in Korea and the good friends that I made there.
66. If I’m not able to have children I would love to adopt or take in foster children.
67. I have unintentionally eaten dog meat in Korea. We pointed to the menu randomly and were not pleased when we looked in our dictionary and found out what we were eating! I almost threw up and cried!
68. I live in an apartment.
69. I would love to own a house.
70. I used to play the French horn from grade 7 to 12.
71. I’ve ridden a camel and went dune bashing (so nauseating!)
72. I love to walk, anywhere! Especially when I have my Discman with me.
73. When I taught in Korea the mothers of my kindergarten class got together and gave me a $100 gift certificate to a major department store for Teacher’s Day.
74. I love doing yoga and aerobics.
75. I wish I had a car. I owned one for two years, a Chevy Cavalier, but it died on me. L
76. I was Pippi Longstocking one Halloween as an adult, and it was my favorite costume!
77. A few years ago I almost stayed in Abu Dhabi to teach while I was visiting my parents for a month. I didn’t cause I’d miss my honey too much!
78. I’ve been a substitute teacher for the better part of my teaching career and I’m not fond of it.
79. I taught phys. Ed for a week while subbing and I liked it a lot!
80. I hate peas and as a child I would do anything I could not to eat them. Hide them in napkins, under food etc…
81. I love the movies Lady and the Tramp and Alice in Wonderland. Oh and a guilty pleasure of mine is Cocktail! LOL!
82. I once had a pet rabbit in my 4th year of university.
83. I ate freshly caught and cooked mussels from the sea this summer and they were delicious!
84. I’m going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding next year.
85. I only applied to two universities for my BA and only one for my Bed.
86. I’m a kid at heart and I love to play!
87. My favorite board game is Scrabble.
88. Last year I was addicted to the Sims.
89. I love all the Harry Potter books and movies.
90. I hate moving.
91. I love grocery shopping!
92. I don’t cook much, my boyfriend does most of the cooking around here! LOL!
93. I get motion sickness easily.
94. I like to be an observer and watch people, things etc…
95. When I was younger I used to be a stinky girl (tooting a lot!) LOL, and my family would always tease me about it!
96. I give blood.
97. I’m not a very good dancer and am a bit self conscious about it!
98. I love my eyes.
99. I once lived in a house with 9 people and only 5 rooms. There were four couples and one single guy!
100. I am addicted to the Internet!

Wow, that took a long time!!!

Now I tag Beth and Krystal!


Blogger Paula May said...

That was awsome! I learned TONS about you I didn't know! Wow!

10:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you tagged me! I didn't even find out about your site until today! AHHH!!! Give me a bit, then check out my livejournal.

3:09 PM


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