My adventures in scrapping and in my daily life! Some mundane...some exciting! I guess you'll have to read and decide for youself! :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bad blogger...

Sorry for being one! :o

I'd been away for five days, got back this Wednesday and worked at a Day Care Thursday and Friday. So I've been a little pooped! LOL!

Before Chris and I went away we went downtown to the Busker Festival and saw some pretty cool acts. A magician, a guy playing with fire, and an Extreme Martial Arts team calle Team Ryouko. They were pretty amazing! And very entertaining. Here is a pic of them:
August - Buskers and NB 008
The guy actually ran, jumped over, in a kick, the people and had to kick a board at the end. In the pic he didn't actually get it that time, but with a few more tries he did and it was cool! :)

While we were away Chris and I went to visit his parents in Moncton. It was a nice and relaxing time. We went to a family reunion of Chris' and it was so much fun! Even though the weather wasn't the best. It rained a lot. :(

We played washers:
August - Buskers and NB 019
August - Buskers and NB 024
August - Buskers and NB 032
August - Buskers and NB 052
August - Buskers and NB 053
Met a pretty dog named Kaya:
August - Buskers and NB 054
Played poker, we didn't win but had some really good hands!
August - Buskers and NB 058
And played with Chris' parents dogs! :)
August - Buskers and NB 065

It was a nice little vacay, but now back to the real world once again and I'm going to be working tons at the daycare! Yay money! But boo on the tiredness factor! LOL!

Hope everyone has lovely days! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip, love the pix: thay make me feel relaxed just watching them! LOL Good luck with going back to work!

4:10 AM

Blogger Amy said...

Thanks Chloe! I wish I could go back! Vacations are always much more fun than work aren't they? LOL! Have a great day/night! :)

9:51 PM


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