My adventures in scrapping and in my daily life! Some mundane...some exciting! I guess you'll have to read and decide for youself! :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Kuala Lumpur

Well, I made my first 2 page Layout today and this is what I came up with! :) I made it for a challenge at the Digi Chicks on a summer vacation that we've had. Chris and I went to Kuala Lumpur on a whirlwind trip while we were teaching in Korea. I normally don't like to put so many pics on one page, but I just couldn't leave any of them out! They all played a big part in our trip and hold so many awesome memories!

The journaling reads: "We went on our vacation to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during out vacation in August 2005. We only had 3 days and four nights there, so we triedto experience as much ds we could while there.It was an amazing trip! Malaysia seems likesuch a culturally diverse and beautiful country.We hope to go back there one day because there is so much more we want to see and experience."

Credits: Kit used is Summer's Call by NDISB. Doodles used are by Angie Briggs. Overlay by Bannerwoman's Designs. Pea Jenny Script font by Laura Campbell. Other fonts are: Destroyed and Architect
I had a pretty good day today! It took me forever though to do these scraps as PSP was being a pain and closing on me! :o Luckily I've learned to save it every 5 mins or I would have lost everything! Ack! But, my fonts were also going wiggy and I lost two of them after I had already typed out everything. GRR! So I had to find new fonts and do it all over again! Luckily it worked but my morning was kinda wasted on that!
This afternoon though, I was more productive. I studied some French and cleaned the bathroom! Yay! I have exciting news too!! My parents are arriving from Abu Dhabi tomorrow ngiht! And they will be staying with us for the night! It's going to be soo great to see them again, it's been since November! :( They plan on staying in Canada for the summer visiting relatives and such and then they'll be going back to the Middle East, but this time to a new location Doha, Qatar! My Mom was given an excellent offer there for a job so they're on a new adventure! Maybe that means Chris and I will be visiting a new place too in a few years! Yay! LOL! :)
Well that's it for now. Tomorrow there's more cleaning for me and studying!
Night all! :)


Blogger Paula May said...

Hey Amy, that's awsome that your parents are coming home, and sounds like an interesting place where they'll be living next! That's so cool that they get to travel and live in different countries!

I love your scrap, especially the edging that you did around the photos, it looks really cool! Great job on your 2 page LO, I've only done two 2 page LOs, and the first one I did I used a sketch, so this is really creative, good job! I don't think it looks too crowded at all!

2:44 PM

Blogger Melanie said...

I agree with Paula, this scrap is wonderful! Sometimes there is a place for a "busy" scrap page, and you've managed to caputre it here. It doesn't look crowded or unorganized at all, it looks like it was planned out and all the pictures fit perfectly with the page and kit you used!

Bravo maddam! Once again I'll have to say... I love this scrap! ;)

and PS - yay to having your parents visiting! Now that will be awful exciting!!!

8:08 AM

Blogger Amy said...

Thanks so much ladies! :) You're too good to me! lol! It was awesome to see my parents again, even if it was only for a short time. I will see them again in a week though! Yay! :) I'll write all about it in my blog tonight!

8:32 AM


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